Thinking about recycling......

Thinking about recycling......

After watching my youngest try and save literally every bit of rubbish he can ( I'm not even joking, he scooped up his hair after I cut it and said he can use it) I came to wonder if I may be a bit of a hoarder and have rubbed off on him! Yikes!

But he's right isn't he, there is so many ways to recycle and reuse the possibilities are endless. The only problem is finding the space to store it all. 

My current project is recycling card and paper cut offs into new paper with bee friendly seeds embedded which is just a gorgeous idea but it certainly isn't easy so its a bit of a work in progress at the moment.

I love when shop bought foods and drinks come in interesting shaped bottles and jars as these make the perfect storage or upcycled gifts. For a while that was my main business thanks to my Mum my biggest fan bless her.

Anyway I will love you and leave you for today as I really need to get some actual work done

Have a fun filled weekend and thanks for taking a moment to read my thoughts.

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